Quality Assurance
We follow stringent quality processes as part of our commitment to offer the best to our clients. To achieve this consistently and to maintain our high-quality standards in men's shirts manufacturing, we begin with the education and training of our employees and suppliers. They are made aware that their work significantly influences the performance of all of our products. The process of continuous improvement includes providing them with knowledge of the products as well as internal processes and services.
Measures such as compliance with the European Environment Policy; the REACH standards, in-process quality audits, and testing are utilised throughout the production process with the aim of achieving zero defects and an environmentally friendly manufacturing process. The quality system in place - AQL (Accepted Quality Level) 1.5, is designed to identify problems and measure the performance of the products during internal processes, while corrective actions focus on the prediction, prevention and elimination of defects and errors.
All suppliers we work with are expected to be similarly certified and to use preventive techniques to meet these requirements continuously.
These are the quality objectives that drive us:
- All products produced shall meet our customer requirements.
- We will provide sufficient training for all our employees about product knowledge, safety, social and critical control paths.
- We will ensure that all our products meet legal and social requirements including the European Environment Policy.
- We will ensure our products meet quality and delivery requirements of our customers by providing the best service throughout the year.
- We will ensure a safe working environment for all our employees.
Labor practices and Safety Laws
Vewin Exims Company ensures that we follow healthy and safe labor practices eliminating any use of child labor, prison labor, forced labor and providing required living and sanitation facilities and justified wag e structures as per relevant countries norms. Adequate fire safeties measures are followed fire fighting equipments are deployed and serviced.
Vewin Exims Company ensures that no child labor is used in the manufacturing of these goods.
Vewin Exims Company ensures that the workers are not exploited in the manufacture of these goods.
Vewin EximsCompany ensures fair and just wages are paid to the workers and thus improve standard of living for thousands.